Building a toast component

Jan 21 ·
4 分钟阅读

Earlier this year, I built a Toast library for React called Sonner. In this article, I’ll show you some of the lessons I’ve learned and mistakes I made while building it.


Initially, I used CSS keyframes for enter and exit animations, but they aren’t interruptible. A CSS transition can be interrupted and smoothly transition to a new value, even before the first transition has finished. You can see the difference below.

To transition the toast when it enters the screen, essentially to mimic the enter animation, we used useEffect to set the mounted state to true after the first render. This way, the toast is rendered with transform: translateY(100%) and then transitions to transform: translateY(0). The style is based on a data attribute.

React.useEffect(() => { setMounted(true);}, []); //... <li data-mounted={mounted}>

Stacking toasts

To create the stacking effect, we multiply the gap between toasts by the index of the toast to get the y position. It’s worth noting that every toast has position: absolute to make stacking easier. We also scale them down by 0.05 * index to create the illusion of depth. Here’s the simplified CSS for it:

[data-sonner-toast][data-expanded="false"][data-front="false"] { --scale: var(--toasts-before) * 0.05 + 1; --y: translateY(calc(var(--lift-amount) * var(--toasts-before))) scale( calc(-1 * var(--scale)) );}

This works great until you have toasts with different heights, they won’t stick out evenly. We fix it by simply making all the toasts the height of the toast in front when in stacked mode. Here’s how the toasts would look with different heights:

Add toast


The toasts can be swiped down to dismiss. That’s just a simple event listener on the toast which updates a variable responsible for the translateY value.

// This is a simplified version of the codeconst onMove = (event) => { const yPosition = event.clientY - pointerStartRef.current.y; toastRef.current?.style.setProperty("--swipe-amount", `${yPosition}px`);};

The swipe is momentum-based, meaning you don’t have to swipe until a specific threshold is met to remove the toast. If the swipe movement is fast enough, the toast will still be dismissed because the velocity is high enough.

const timeTaken = new Date().getTime() - dragStartTime.current.getTime();const velocity = Math.abs(swipeAmount) / timeTaken; // Remove if the threshold is met or velocity is high enoughif (Math.abs(swipeAmount) >= SWIPE_THRESHOLD || velocity > 0.11) { deleteToast();}

Spatial consistency

Initially, the toast was entering from the bottom, and you could swipe it to the right, as shown in this tweet. However, that didn’t feel natural since the toast didn’t follow a symmetric path. If something enters from the bottom, it should also exit in the same direction. I learned this principle from the Designing Fluid Interfaces talk from Apple. It’s amazing and I highly recommend watching it.

If you are interested in this type of stuff, then you might enjoy my course on animations, where I cover this and much more —

Expanding toasts

We calculate the expanded position of each toast by adding the heights of all preceding toasts and the gap between them. This value will become the new translateY when the user hovers over the toast area.

const toastsHeightBefore = React.useMemo(() => { return heights.reduce((prev, curr, reducerIndex) => { // Calculate offset up until current toast if (reducerIndex >= heightIndex) { return prev; } return prev + curr.height; }, 0);}, [heights, heightIndex]); // ... const offset = React.useMemo( () => heightIndex * GAP + toastsHeightBefore, [heightIndex, toastsHeightBefore]);

State management

To avoid using context, we manage the state via the Observer Pattern. We subscribe to the observable object in the <Toaster /> component. Whenever the toast() function is called, the <Toaster /> component (as the subscriber) is notified and updates its state. We can then render all the toasts using

function Toaster() { React.useEffect(() => { return ToastState.subscribe((toast) => { setToasts((toasts) => [...toasts, toast]); }); }, []); // ... return ( <ol> {, index) => ( <Toast key={} toast={toast} /> ))} </ol> );}

To create a new toast, we simply import toast and call it. There’s no need for hooks or context, just a straightforward function call.

import { toast } from "sonner"; // ... toast("My toast");

Hover state

The hover state depends on whether we are hovering over one of the toasts. However, there are also gaps between the toasts. To address this, we add an :after pseudo-element to fill in these gaps, ensuring a consistent hover state. You will see these filled gaps depicted below.

Add toast

Pointer capture

Once we start dragging, we set the toast to capture all future pointer events. This ensures that even if the mouse or our thumb moves outside the toast while dragging, the toast remains the target of the pointer events. As a result, dragging remains possible, even if we are outside of the toast, leading to a better user experience.

function onPointerDown(event) {;}
编辑于 Jan 21
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